In this Experiment you will be presented with two avatars with sunglasses. Your task will be to perform certain expressions based on the sunglasses color. More detailed instructions regarding the experiment will be presented later.
I have been satisfactorily informed about the procedure and aims of the study. I have additionally been informed about the anonymization procedures regarding the privacy sensitive video recording data that will be gathered. I have read and understood that the video and demographic data is stored together with a Prolific ID that cannot be linked back to me. I am aware that I have the right to revoke this declaration at any later date without any disadvantages via my Prolific ID.
Any questions I had about the procedure were answered satisfactorily by the investigators. I hereby declare myself ready to participate in the voluntary study documented as part of the "Spot the patterns" study.
Responsible for carrying out the study:
Dr. Stephan Verschoor
Arbeitsgruppe für Kognitive Systeme der Universität Bremen,
Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 5, 28359 Bremen,
0421-218 64283,
I understand that the visual data will be stored in an electronic database at the University of Bremen in an encrypted way. I am aware that the privacy sensitive video data that is collected include my face and my background, and that those data will be deleted at the latest on 30.09.26, and that until that time they will be stored in an encrypted format. I am also aware that data regarding questionnaires and demographics will be stored in an anonymized way. Furthermore, I understand that data collected from me, is digitally stored, processed and analyzed and used for scientific publication, in a way that makes it impossible to trace the data back to me personally. These data include: video, questionnaires and demographic data.
I was able to ask all the questions that seemed relevant to me about possible risks and complications that may be caused by the study and necessary preparations for the study. I hereby declare myself ready to participate in the voluntary study described in the information letter as part of the above-mentioned scientific study and give my consent that video data will be recorded.
I agree that the data collected in the course of this study will be recorded on electronic data carriers. Please note, that we do not immediately anonymize your visual data in this study such that it is rendered unrecognizable. We first need these non-anonymized data to perform our analyses. Your recognizable data will be stored temporarily under strict security measures. They will be encrypted, and access is restricted to employees involved in the project. This is ensured by usage of up-to-date encryption techniques and passwords. The non-anonymized data will then be processed and statistically analyzed, whereafter they will be anonymized (making all visual information unrecognizable). Your non-anonymized data will be deleted at the latest on 30.09.26.
My participation in this study is voluntary. I can revoke my participation at any time during the experiment without giving reasons. This does not give me any disadvantages except for remuneration of participation. In this case, the data collected in the session will be deleted irrevocably.
I know that my data can be deleted only after sending my Prolific ID
I hereby agree to all the terms and conditions mentioned above by moving forward in this experiment